
Monday, 26 November 2012

This Moment


I must confess that, with a baby, I'm struggling to blog as much as I once did. I spotted a lovely feature on another blog I follow though, and I thought I might borrow it, at least until the baby is bigger and I have more time. The blog in question is Soule Mama - do visit her, if you get chance, as its a really lovely blog. I hope that you will, and then I shan't feel as bad about borrowing her style of blogging.

Soule Mama just uploads a picture, that she calls {this moment}. I like the concept of mindfulness, of noticing *this moment* as otherwise they all too quickly whizz by. I am wordy, so I expect I may add words to my moments too - at least from time to time.

Anyway. This is my moment for today. Florence, all bathed and dried and smelling delicious and clean, in her pretty dress. She always wants a feed after a bath, wants with such an intensity that she cannot focus on anything else, even when she's bathed in the daytime. When she feeds, she buzzes her hands about busily, eyes dark and satiated, liking to stroke my top, or hold my finger, milk drunk.

I will never, ever stop counting my blessings for this wonderful little bundle. My new start. 

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