I am not the world's most organised person. I mostly like to sit around and make things and do stuff that I enjoy. I don't think so much about the stuff I don't. My home is prone to untidiness, much to the irritation of my slightly OCD husband. I am also rubbish at getting jobs done, and very talented at procrastinating. If it were an Olympic sport, I would represent England.
The only way I can cope with it all, to be honest, is to make like Nike and have a JFDI week from time to time. I used to call them OOTS weeks (out of the sh**); slightly more descriptive, but the idea is the same.
This week I WILL get those irritating jobs done that I like to put off. I WILL return the broken Soda Stream that led to a disappointing Christmas day. I willl freeze the casserole and roast the pork. Most important of all, I guess, I have some personal things that are long overdue - I'm having a smear, I've got my hair cut and coloured (BIG sigh of relief), I'm going to the dentist and so on. None of these are much fun, and some of them are expensive. However, I'm thinking of JFDI weeks a bit like my annual MOT. I should probably get my eyes tested too.
I've made a cup of tea and I have some crocheting to do, so I'm going to have a leetle break for now, but I am going to JFDI, just mark my words. And if you see me anywhere on line, please give me a big kick up the backside. I thank you.
Claire x
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