
Wednesday, 17 February 2010

First Taa-Daa of 2010 : Hand Knit Socks!

Well, I am very proud of myself for this one, because this time last year knitting socks felt like the very pinnacle of knitting - and something I would never achieve. However, I have, and here they are!




These socks were knit using Colinette Jitterbug 4 ply yarn - not cheap at £9.95 per skein, but amazing to work with. I bought the yarn back in September and was saving it for a special occasion.

The one thing that drives me mad about "posh" yarns are having to change it from a skein to a ball. I know it's suposed to show off the colours better but, frankly, it's a pain in the arse. You don't buy cotton in a skein to put onto a bobbin before using on a machine do you? Hmm? Hmm?? Also, I am not a huge fan of variegated yarns. They always look great on the skein, but go a sort of grey colour when knitted up. I like my colours pure and strong. Except in this case, where the colours are strong enough to speak for themselves.

I got second sock syndrome, so I waited about a fortnight between sock one and sock two - the novelty of wearing one sock wore off after ... umm ... about 24 hours. I am such a child.

Anyway, this was a good one to start the year with - and was #54 from the 101 in 1001 list!
The pattern is here, if you want the link: 

Satisfaction Rating: 8/10. They're a bit baggy around my heels and were quite fiddly to do. But I am very pleased I completed them.

1 comment:

  1. beautiful!!! Socks are on my to do list for a friends birthday - I am going to try the toe up method - have you tried that?
