Yesterday started off badly, I felt really low. But, I had a doctor's appointment in the afternoon so I struggled in, hair untidy and no make up, feeling pretty glum. Then I had such a lovely chat with my GP - I absolutely love her to bits. I have no idea why I always get so nervous when I go to see her. We chatted - her son started school last week, so we compared notes. She told me she was bought up in our house virtually opposite ours. We talked about expectations of life - I told her that I had lost my job and Charlie had started school in the last couple of weeks, and both had made me feel very emotional. But that I could see I needed time to reflect, unwind and think about what was important to me. A year ago I ran my own business and had a part time professional job, now I was unemployed. She declared that I seemed brighter than before, and decided not to make any changes to my medication. I have to go back in 4 weeks rather than 2.
I don't know what it was about her validation that made me feel so good, but it worked. I explained, nervously, that I wasn't back to my old self and she said, quite shocked "goodness me, I wouldn't expect it" and that made me feel good too. Knowing that I am doing well, for this stage, was a nice reassuring feeling.
To break up the l-o-n-g text (sorry, I can waffle), I thought I would share some pics I took of the flowers Charlie and I bought in our local town - £2 for two huge bunches of dahlias. And, oh, they're so pretty. I often buy flowers as they bring me so much joy and make my little cottage look a treat. However, I was inspired by Lucy at Attic 24 to try putting flowers all over the house - and what a joy that has been! They have made an appearance in the lounge, the kitchen, the dining room, the downstairs loo and our bedroom. I thought I would share their cheerfulness with you. Thanks Lucy. They look so much better in little jam jars and mustard pots (recycled, obv)
After this, I went into Hull - something I haven't done for months. I had a good walk around in the sunshine which was lovely. I eventually went to the Job Centre, something I was dreading, but it was OK and the two people that interviewed me were lovely. There wasn't anything suitable, but I am being sent on a course for executives and professionals (ooh get me!) All I will get is my national insurance stamps paid, but I figured I may as well as I have worked since I was 13 (22 years! Don't I sound old!)
I hope your weekends are restful, happy and fun. Lots of love xxxxx
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