Hi ya
I thought I would sneak on and say this very quietly, for fear of jinxing something. I have felt much better for the past 5 days. At first I thought it was just a co-incidence and the down days would grab me again soon. However, the consistency means I am starting to believe that maybe, just maybe, the additional fluoxetine is doing it's job without a horrible period of uber-anxiety. I am a bit wary of believing it yet, even though Dom keeps reassuring me it's likely to be the case, as I have convinced myself I am cured too many times only to slip back. However, it's looking good.
I have decided to make hay while the sun shines, so we're having a massive clear out. I cleared the annexe yesterday, which was a big dumping ground. It's only tiny really, annexe is a very grand title for our little outside shed. However, we've decided it can be my Lady Shed - full of fabric, lovely wool, my music and pretty, pretty things. I am very excited. Today I will paint it.
I have 20 items + on Ebay, including one lot which is six boxes of car boot stuff. We have a boot full of stuff for the local charity shop - a women's refuge on Preston Road and a subject close to my heart. I feel so much better for having sorted it out - Dom has even started to sort out his own shed (now known as the "man hole" where he can escape and be surrounded by the things he covets, like tools and the lawn mower and other bloke stuff. I don't really go in there and it makes us both happy....)
We have decided to sort out the playroom and paint it, then move the almost empty furniture from the office to there, boxing up the books that will go into the new shelves in the lounge when they are built. That's the plan anyway, and it feels so right. I am so happy at the moment....
Craft wise, I am getting a bit bored with the endless cabling for the pink jacket, so haven't done much for the past 24 hours. However, I thought I would share a taa-daaa. It's something I finished a few weeks back but hadn't photographed yet:
Taa-daa! Project 19: Charlie's Birthday Tank Top
Cost: approximately 3 balls of Merino Wool - £12
Time Taken: about a month
Satisfaction Rating: 5/10. It would have been very high, as I loved doing the cabling as it was a something I hadn't done before. However, once knitted up, the neck of the pattern was so tight that it didn't even fit over Charlie's head. I frogged and re-did it so many times I can't even remember, but couldn't get it to work. Eventually I did a chain of single crochet and it looks fine, although the arm holes are now too big (I had to do the same for the arms to make it match). Charlie loves it, which is the main thing. And actually, he gets loads and loads of compliments whenever he wears it - I think a lot of older people like little boys to look old fashioned.
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